

I love YouTube. So, expect more YouTube videos here XD.

1. Linus Tech Tips - 10 Ways Linux is Better

It’s Linus. “Interesting” is his middle name.
A YouTube video btw.

2. A Glimpse of VM

An article for some context and intro to Virtual Machine.
Might be just a tip of an iceberg of VM.

3. Belajar command line di Linux: AWK by Mamang Devops

A great YouTube video to get started with AWK.
The video is in Bahasa Indonesia.

4. Bash S01 E01 | What is Bash? How to Run Your First Bash Script ? by linuxhint

Bash scripting related YouTube video (in English).
A bit like an introduction for Bash.

5. The Full Bash Scripting Course

A full course for bash scripting (3 hours long).
Same YouTube channel as #4 link.

6. C Programming Tutorial for Beginners by freeCodeCamp.org

A stacked video full of C basics with a spesific time point for each topic.
The video includes memory addresses, pointers and also file reading/writing.

7. Virtual Memory Playlist by David Black-Schaffer

A playlist of Virtual Memory explanation videos.
You might want to watch eps 1 - 4 to get a brief introduction to Virtual Memory.

8. Is Virtual Memory Needed?

Someone asked “why do we need virtual memory even when we have physical memory?” to stackoverflow.
A person replied with a detailed and organized answer.

9. Pointers in C/C++

An “easy to understand” video about pointers.
It has some good examples for pointers in C/C++.

10. Visualization of a fork call in C by CodeVault

Quick and all-round explanation of an example for fork().
Not actually a graphical visualization. More like detailed explanation.

11. Interprocess Communication by Neso Academy

A brief introduction for interprocess communication and processes concurrency.
The video is a part of Neso Academy. You might want to watch some of the series next episodes for ‘shared memory’ topic.